Resources for Learning Analytics
At the first AnalyticsCamp, someone asked about free tools for analytics, so we started a list. This is a companion list for learning resources—books, courses, and more. If you have a favorite that isn't listed, please add it. Add new categories if needed.
Free E-books
- An Introduction to Data Mining, Saed Sayad
- Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning, David Barber
- Data Wrangling Handbook, School of Data
- Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, Scott Murray
- Introduction to Data Science, Jeffrey Stanton (Syracuse University)
- Mining of Massive Datasets, Anand Rajaraman and Jeff Ullman
- A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining, Ron Zacharski
- Think Bayes: Bayesian Statistics Made Simple, Allen B. Downey
- Think Stats: Probability and Statistics for Programmers, Allen B. Downey
- The Back of the Napkin, Dan Roam
- Competing on Analytics, Davenport & Harris
- How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business, Douglas Hubbard
- The Numerati, Stephen Baker
- Predictive Analytics, Eric Siegel
- Super Crunchers, Ian Ayres
Web analytics
- Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science of Customer Centricity, Avinash Kaushik
Social media
- Listen First, Stephen Rappaport
- Measure What Matters, Katie Paine
- Social Media Analytics, Marshall Sponder
- Social Media Metrics, Jim Sterne
- Social Media ROI, Olivier Blanchard
Formal training
Online courses
- Big Data University
- Cousera and Udacity have multiple relevant courses
- Natural Language Processing, Stanford
- Probabilistic Graphical Models, Stanford
- School of Data, Open Knowledge Foundation and Peer 2 Peer University
Degree programs
Even if you don't enter the program, the course listings can be useful.
- MS in Business Analytics, Michigan State
- Institute for Advanced Analytics, NCSU
- Master of Science in Predictive Analytics (MSPA), Northwestern
- Center for Data Mining and Predictive Analytics, DePaul
- Business Analytics Certificate Program, Oklahoma State
- MS in Business Intelligence, St. Joseph's
- MS in Business Intelligence, St. Joseph's (online)
- CAS in Data Science, Syracuse (online or on campus)
- Masters in Business Analytics, University of Tennessee Knoxville
- MS in Customer Intelligence and Analytics Pace University
- MS in Data Science Lewis University
- MS in Business Analytics Carnegie Mellon University
- MS in Applied Statistics University of Delaware
- MS in Business Analytics Arizona State University
- MS in Business Data Analytics Maryville University
- MS in Data Science Northcentral University
- MS in Analytics Villanova University
- MS in Business Intelligence Grantham University
Longer lists
- Education in Data Mining, Analytics, and Data Science in USA/Canada (via KDnuggets)
- Graduate Programs in Big Data Analytics and Data Science (via Gil Press)
- Master of Science in Analytics in Context (via Context)
- All Analytics (Blogs, Webinars & more; sponsored by SAS)
- AnalyticBridge
- Dataversity
- International Institute for Analytics
page revision: 40, last edited: 14 May 2018 19:03